School Cleaning

Playgrounds, sports areas and walkways in school grounds are subject to a lot of abuse – chewing gum, food and general dirt build up over time and affect the overall appearance of the grounds and buildings. With school pressure washing, we aim to remove the dirt and gradual build-up to maintain the cleanliness of school grounds, walkways and play areas. We know that security is at the forefront of any school’s priorities and we issue all of our team members with uniforms and identification to ensure that they are able to be distinguished easily and admitted to the site. We also ensure that our team hold current DBS certificates. In addition to these security measure, we also offer appointments outside of normal school and business hours, including evenings and weekends – to keep the site clean without interfering with lessons, distracting pupils and maintaining the day-to-day running of the school environment.

About this Process

School pressure washing is carried out using highly pressured water pumps, which can remove the majority of built-up dirt, including chewing gum, mud and hardened paper – all of which are prevalent on school grounds. The pressure washer restores concrete, cobbles and hard surfaces to their original state – removing layers of dirt which is not usually noticed as the colour changes gradually over time. Clean school grounds create a better working environment for both staff and pupils and increase the pride individuals feel toward the establishment. Clean and presentable school grounds and buildings are also likely to affect the surrounding area, including property prices, general reputation and parent’s choice of school.

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Frequently Asked Questions & More

As a leading cleaning company in Warrington, we get many questions regarding our services. We have answered a few to help you out.

Do you cover residential works?

Yes, all of our services are open to the public. A large part of our business remains to be residential work. We are more than happy to give you a no obligation quote for any of the services we provide.

Is Kleenaway Cleaning licensed to carry out industrial work?

Kleenaway Cleaning is fully licensed to work on commercial and industrial sites. Our team have undergone extensive training to ensure they meet the site standards that our commercial and industrial clients require.

Accreditations include CSCS, iPAF, WJA and SPA Passport. The team are constantly adapting to changing requirements throughout the sector, if you would like more information on our compliance please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Why choose Kleenaway?

Quality is our priority. We are committed to continually growing the business, this means that we must ensure that our reputation is nothing less than excellent. We always aim to achieve the best results possible and we take great pride in our ability to surprise our client.

What can I expect in terms of customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to provide a professional service that meets all your expectations, with a focus on efficiency, thoroughness, and communication. We also offer a satisfaction guarantee with every service performed.

Is your service insured and licensed?

Yes, we are fully licensed to operate in the area and carry comprehensive insurance to ensure that all aspects of our work are covered for peace of mind.

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